
dimanche 30 octobre 2011

Sketch no.42 chez Cardabilities

Voici le sketch en cours chez Cardabilities / Here is the newest sketch for you to use this next 2 weeks at Cardabilities.

Et voici la carte que ce sketch m'a inspiré. / And here is the card I created using this sketch :

Et voici un plan rapproché des détails. / And here's a close-up details :

Merci du coup d'oeil / Thank you for looking ;-)

6 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

your card is adorable!! I made a halloween card as well! :D I was so inspired! :D

Stephanie (Arty Carty) Lee a dit…

Love your take on the sketch!! all the spooky halloween embellies are just perfect! xxx Steph

Unknown a dit…

Superbe ta carte Carrie!! Bravo!


Clara XXX...

Anonyme a dit…

This card is phenominal. All the little extras you did to make this card into something amazing will be a delight to the eye for whoever is lucky enough to get this card. Well done! :-)

Susie Moore a dit…

Your card is spooky cute! a dit…

spooky in a very sweet way :)
I love the colors!

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